Product Development

Product Development

Our Services

QAWaCh Bio provides Services for Product development for lateral flow assay-based test kits and consultancy for troubleshooting during development of lateral flow assay-based test kits.

Product Development (New/Innovative product & existing LFA-based products)

QAWaCh Bio has a passionate team of innovators from IIT Bombay that provide services for the development of different Lateral flow Immunoassays and Molecular diagnostics. We have a state of art product development R&D lab with all the equipment required for cutting edge R&D.

Conversion of qualitative to quantitative LFA

Our services include upgradation of existing qualitative lateral flow assay-based rapid test kits to quantitative lateral flow assay kits

Conversion of regular LFA to ultra-sensitive LFA-based test kits

We provide service for conversion of low-sensitive LFA test kit to ultra-sensitive test kits

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Product Development

Contract Assay Development

Our Platform Technologies

Qualitative Lateral Flow Assays

Quantitative Lateral Flow Assays

Conjugation Technology
